Recent Publications

A)    Academic articles

B)    Working papers

C)    Books

  • Aurelio Gurrea-Martinez, Reinventing Insolvency Law in Emerging Economies (Cambridge University Press, 2024).
  • Aurelio Gurrea-Martinez (ed.), Felix Steffek (ed.), Kenneth Ayotte, Anthony J. Casey, Andreas Engert, Francisco Garcimartin, Simin Gao, Aurelio Gurrea-Martinez, Francisco Satiro, Richard Squire, Felix Steffek, Wataru Tanaka, Wai Yee Wan, Rolef de Weijs, Defeng Xu and Kristin van Zwieten, Foundations of Corporate Insolvency Law: An Economic and Comparative Perspective (Oxford University Press, Forthcoming, 2025).
  • Stephen Bull (ed.), Aurelio Gurrea-Martinez (ed.), Stephen Bull, Clayton Chong, Harold Foo, Aurelio Gurrea-Martinez, Smitha Menon and Kwan Kiat Sim, Corporate Insolvency Law in Singapore (Academy Publishing, Forthcoming, 2025).

D)    Policy reports and other publications

E)    Blog posts 

F)    Press and cited work