Economic and financial issues in insolvencyStandardizing and Unbundling the Sub Rosa DIP Loan
By Kenneth Ayotte and Alex Zhicheng Huang (UC Berkeley School of Law)
In many recent Chapter 11 cases, debtor-in-possession (DIP) loans determine reorganization plan payoffs at the outset of the…
Insolvency and technologyCrypto-custodians insolvency proceedings: Clarifying the proprietary nature of crypto-assets
By Paúl Noboa-Velasco (San Francisco de Quito University)
The treatment of crypto-assets during the insolvency proceedings of crypto-assets…
Singapore insolvency and restructuring lawCross-Border Restructuring and Insolvency in the SICC
By Manoj Pillay Sandrasegara, Mark Choy, Clayton Chong and Adnaan Noor (WongPartnership LLP)
Singapore has invested significant efforts in positioning itself as a regional restructuring hub in…
Foreign and comparative lawSafe Harbour Insolvency Reform – Has the Time Come for South Africa?
By Christopher Rey (BDO South Africa)
Safe Harbour insolvency reforms should provide directors relief from insolvent trading provisions
As an avid South African rugby union…
Insolvency and technologyHLS Bankruptcy Roundtable: Concluding Thoughts on a Series on Crypto-Bankruptcy
By Xiao Ma (Harvard Law School)
There is a new category of bankruptcies: crypto-bankruptcies. Although difficult to pinpoint the exact beginning of the recent wave of…
Foreign and comparative lawHow the Balance of Power Is Changing in the Resolution of Corporate Financial Distress
By Vincent Buccola (University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School)
Among those who study corporate financial distress and reorganization, the notion that senior…
Foreign and comparative lawPre-pack sales add to the German restructuring toolbox
By Lorenz Scholtis (Norton Rose Fulbright) and Tanushree Ajmera (Norton Rose Fulbright)
A pre-pack procedure provides for the negotiation of the sale of a financially distressed entity, as a…
Cross-border insolvencyEnhancing Efficiency and Rescue Outcomes in Cross-Border Insolvency Matters: The Role of Multilateral Cooperation Protocols and Judicial DiplomacyBy Scott Atkins (Norton Rose Fulbright & INSOL International) SynopsisLast year, we celebrated…
Foreign and comparative lawGo First Insolvency Conundrum: A Set up for Failure?
By Aparna Ravi (Samvad Partners Advocates) and Neeti Shikha (University of Bradford)
The judiciary has often been seen as the weak link in any analysis of the successes and…
Singapore insolvency and restructuring lawAn alternative paradigm for Singapore jurisdiction in cross-border insolvency?
By Dawn Tan Ly-Ru and Tristan Teo (Ashurst ADTLaw LLC)
Singapore aims to become a hub for international corporate and debt restructuring. The foundations for…