SMU ASEAN Perspectives is an exciting research publication of the Centre for Commercial Law in Asia focussing on topical and vital issues of ASEAN law. Contributors hail from academic institutions throughout Southeast Asia.
If you are interested in writing and publishing an article with us, get in touch at aseanlaw [at]!
Trade Agreements
ASEAN-Korea Strategic Partnership in New Asian RegionalismPaper No. 06 / 2022 This paper explores the Joint Declaration on ASEAN-Korea Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity launched in 2010, in tandem with Korea's New Southern Policy, against the backdrop of new Asian regionalism: an ASEAN-focused integration process that represents a fundamental change in the multilateral trading system. |
Investment Agreements
Indonesia's Termination of Bilateral Investment TreatiesPaper No. 05 / 2022 Indonesia has long had extensive trade and investment links to countries across the globe. Recently, Indonesia has begun to terminate many of its bilateral investment treaties in light of concerns over how these were being used against it. This paper seeks to shed some light on Indonesia’s termination of its BITs and the potential ramifications. |
Sustainable Development
Legal Challenges and Opportunities for Peer-to-Peer Electricity Trading in ThailandPaper No. 04 / 2022 By using information and communication technologies to improve quality of life, a smart city is capable of supporting peer-to-peer electricity trading transactions. This paper analyzes electricity licensing systems, together with the third-party access regime under the Thai Energy Industry Act B.E. 2550 (2007) that enable locally generated electricity traded on a P2P basis, as well as the regulation of smart metering services. |
Commercial Law
Developing Brunei Darussalam as an ASEAN Hub for International Islamic Finance Dispute Resolution: Opportunity or Over-ambition?Paper No. 03 / 2022 International dispute resolution is only at an early stage of development in Brunei. This paper examines Brunei’s potential for Islamic financial dispute settlement. It compares Brunei’s position with regional competitors (such as Singapore and Malaysia) and examines the advantages and disadvantages of Brunei’s marketing itself as a centre for Islamic finance arbitration for the 275 million Muslims in Southeast Asia. |
Sustainable Development
Reflection on Wise Cities and AI in Community: Sustainable Life Spaces and Kampung StorytellingPaper No. 02 / 2022 We want to emphasise the importance of multidisciplinary approaches in the sustainable development of cities, particularly the voice of social scientists which tends to get left out in discussions over technology. In the race towards “smart” urbanisation, there is a real risk that history and culture – things that give a city “life” – could get decimated if digital transformations are not grounded in the community. Our story is that of a return to the community which we think resonates beyond development. |
Sustainable Development
Toward an Environmentally Sustainable City in the Light of Industrial Revolution 4.0: A Case Study of Ho Chi Minh CityPaper No. 01 / 2022 Like other large cities in ASEAN, Vietnamese cities have been facing serious urban environment problems such as air pollution, land degradation, weak water drainage and lack of green spaces. This paper examines the implementation of the new urbanization strategy by the Ho Chi Minh City government to build an environmentally sustainable city and its challenges. |